RFAs: Implementing Partner to conduct Work Based Learning Programme in Lebanon

Grant Size $10,000 to $100,000   ,   Closing Date


The International Labour Organization (ILO) is inviting applications for Implementing partner to conduct Work Based Learning programme in Lebanon.

  • The overall objective of this assignment is to provide market responsive skills training and post training support to vulnerable host communities and Syrian refugees to enable their transition to the labour market. The training targets 200 beneficiaries satisfying the required vulnerability selection criteria, social equity, and inclusiveness.

  • Depending on the occupation selected, participants may be selected from previous and current ILO Employment Intensive Infrastructure Project (EIIP), ILO skills projects, related projects supported by local and international development partners and/or funded by EU, relevant trainees/graduates from public or private training institutions, and workers seeking to improve their economic status and employability. Participants who have been trained previously on same occupation proposed are not eligible to take part in this training.

  • More specifically, the objectives of the assignment are to:

    • Conduct career counseling including skills profiling 

    • Provide TVET/WBL programmes to 150 beneficiaries that facilitates their transition into employment 

    • Facilitate job placement opportunities to training graduates in decent jobs 

    • Provide post-training support and referral services (employment counseling, awareness raising on decent work/rights and responsibilities at work, core work and soft skills, entrepreneurship skills, referrals to further VT)

Funding Information
  • Payment schedule will be time bound and installment % may be revised upon signature of contract in consultation with selected implementing partner noting that first payment cannot exceed 30% or 30,000 USD (whichever is less) and final payment cannot be less than 5%.

  • The work is expected to commence on 15 June 2024 and is expected to be completed no later than 30 June 2025. 

  • The implementing partner shall target at least 20 participants in the dairy and/or non-alcoholic beverages by October 15, 2024, the latest.

Expected Results
  • Through this assignment, it is expected that 150vulnerable beneficiaries have been trained and certified in WBL programme of which 60% of training graduates have improved their employment status two months after graduation from skills development services. Other expected results include but not limited to: 

    • # of market-relevant competency-based WBL training programme implemented 

    • # competency-based curricula and training materials adapted for WBL. Specifically, two training curricula should be adapted or developed for the dairy production and non-alcoholic beverages sectors (one for each sector). 

    • # of trainers, mastercraft persons, supervisors, coordinators, etc. trained to implement the WBL 

    • # of social partners involved in coordination, referrals and post training support 

    • # of vulnerable individuals certified on WBL opportunities (certification by Government authorities and/or private sector) 

    • # of employers/companies engaged in WBL opportunities and WBL agreements signed # of job opportunities/vacancies identified 

    • # of trainees received core work skills training # of trainees referred to job opportunities of trainees/graduates placed in decent jobs for at least two months (60%) 

    • # of trainees received awareness raising on rights at work (100%) Further details on other expected results are listed in annexes. 

  • To note that all indicators and target should take into consideration disaggregation by gender, age, nationality, geographical distribution, disability, and employment status.


  • The Implementing Partner must have the following required expertise: 

    • Proven experience and records in career counselling, skills profiling, and employment services support including counselling and placement. 

    • Proven previous experience and records in working in a multi-stakeholder’s environment, and past experience with government institutions, development agencies, local authorities, etc,

    • Proven experience in developing, managing, and implementing skills training and work-based learning programmes; Have demonstrated technical experience and sustainable results, with a minimum of seven years of practical experience in market-oriented skills training, work-based learning, and employment. 

    • Proven records of training accreditation. 

    • Proven experience in job placement services and job matching. 

    • Proven competencies (human resources and skills) and experience in providing training. 

    • A good understanding of the labour market in Lebanon. 

    • Have practical experience in and the capacity to address social inclusion, social cohesion, and gender issues/dimensions in training and employment. 

    • Capacity to reach the target group in a timely manner for both enrolment to skills training and employment. 

    • Proven experience to address people with disability in training and employment. 

    • Ability to network and outreach to various communities. 

    • Proven excellent reporting, communication, and documentation in both Arabic and English language. 

  • Furthermore, the applicant should have the following capacities: 

    • At least 5 years’ experience to run similar training programmes 

    • Official accreditations for conducting training programme 

    • Necessary lab facilities to run the school-based part of the programme, practical part aside the WBL part 

    • At least two trained and certified trainers to deliver the programme 

    • The physical facilities to run inclusive training programme 

    • Strong linkage with industry/employer to implement WBL of the trainees (must submit the potential list of industries to be engaged in WBL)

Post Date: May 16, 2024

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