Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2) - Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Municipality of Rudo in partnership with the United Nations Development Program announces a public call for civil society organizations/non-governmental organizations to submit project proposals as part of the project Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD2).
The subject of the Public Call is to strengthen partnership relations between civil society organizations and LGUs by building awareness of the usefulness of mutual cooperation and encouraging sustainable dialogue, all with the aim of providing better services to the local community. The activity is carried out as part of the ReLOaD2 project, financed by the European Union (EU), and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in six countries of the region, namely: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia.
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen participatory democracy and EU integration in the Western Balkans, by empowering civil society and encouraging young people to actively participate in the decision-making process, as well as improving the stimulating legal and financial environment for civil society.
The specific goal of the project is to strengthen partnerships between local authorities and civil society in the Western Balkans, by expanding the successful model of transparent project financing of CSOs (LOD methodology) from the budget of local self-government units, aimed at greater civic participation and youth participation in decision-making processes and improvement of service provision in local communities.
The general goal of this call is to further strengthen partnership relations between civil society organizations and LGUs by building awareness of the usefulness of mutual cooperation and encouraging sustainable dialogue, all with the aim of providing better services to the local community.
Thematic Areas
The following thematic areas were prioritized within the framework of the public call:
Social Inclusion and Employment Support
Organizing non-certified trainings for unemployed persons that would lead to an increase in knowledge and skills among adults
Training the population for agriculture
Protection of the Environment
Projects that contribute to the development of the population's awareness of environmental protection
Projects that contribute to raising the awareness of citizens and dog owners about the sterilization of owner dogs as well as stray dogs
Projects that contribute to raising awareness about the cultivation and planting of honey plants in the wider area of the municipality as a measure to prevent the effects of climate change
Encouragement of Employment and Affirmation of Entrepreneurship
Innovative projects that encourage the improvement of knowledge and skills of women and young people
Social Policy and Health Protection of the Population
Innovative projects that help new services for the elderly and socially vulnerable categories of the population
Support for people with developmental disabilities and their families through the introduction of necessary services (e.g. speech therapy)
Projects that contribute to improving the mental health of the population
Culture and Sport
Innovative cultural and sports content for children and young people
Projects that contribute to the creation of sports conditions for school children, with a special emphasis on the inclusion of children from rural areas
Informal Education
Support for projects that encourage the development of innovative and educational content for children and young people in the Rudo municipality
Support for projects that contribute to educational content for children and young people on artistic expression, education in the field of protection in the Internet environment, digitalization of creative creation (school of photography, making advertisements, etc.)
The Young
Projects that promote volunteerism and youth interaction
Projects that contribute to greater socialization through the development of better content for children and young people in the countryside
Financial resources will be allocated to those civil society organizations whose projects contribute to solving one or more priorities, and which meet the other conditions of the public call.
Funding Information
The value of project proposals to be awarded under this call must be between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
minimum amount: 10,000.00 KM
maximum amount: 50,000.00 KM
One civil society organization can submit several project proposals within one or more public calls, with the maximum amount of funds that can be allocated for the implementation of projects to one civil society organization during the total duration of the ReLOaD2 project being 120,000.00 KM.
The duration of projects can be from 6 (six) to 12 (twelve) months, in the period from January 2024 to December 2024.
Types of Projects
The projects that will be selected for financing should be prepared in accordance with the public call, i.e. to the specified priority strategic areas expressed through the topics of the public call. CSO projects should be created in response to specific needs in local communities and for specific target groups identified by the project.
Projects should consist of independent operational activities with clearly formulated operational objectives, target groups and planned outcomes.
Projects should be integrated as a methodological set of activities, designed to achieve certain specific goals and results within a limited time frame.
Projects must be implemented exclusively in the territory of the municipality of Rudo and for the residents of the municipality of Rudo. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to carry out certain activities on the territory of another LGU if there are objective reasons for this, which are stated in the project proposal.
Participation in this public call is open, on equal grounds, to all formally registered CSOs (association/association or foundation), in accordance with the applicable legal regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In order to apply for the public call, applicants must:
be a formally registered CSO in accordance with applicable legal regulations (association/association or foundation);
Potential applicants cannot participate in the call or receive grants if they do not submit a signed and scanned statement of eligibility with the project proposal.
This public call is not open to branches of foreign and international associations, foundations and other non-profit organizations registered and operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Applicants will be excluded from participation in the call or from the awarding of grants if, at the time of the call for submission of project proposals, they are:
subjects of conflict of interest (e.g. employees of partner LGUs who at the same time hold executive or managerial roles in CSOs);
provided false information or failed to provide necessary information;
tried to obtain confidential information, influenced the evaluation committee or the authorized party for contracts during the evaluation process of the call for submission of project proposals.
Post Date: October 18, 2023