NOFO: Biodiversity and Resilience Activity (Philippines)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Biodiversity and Resilience Activity.
Activity Goal and Purpose
The goal of Biodiversity and Resilience is to address the related issues of biodiversity loss and climate change impacts by advancing the conservation and management of terrestrial and marine resources, to ensure the sustainable provision of ecosystem services, contributing to improved ecological and community resilience and well-being.
This activity also aims to:
incentivize and enhance the capacity of private sector actors to invest in terrestrial and marine biodiversity conservation that will catalyze climate mitigation and adaptation actions;
build the leadership capacity and engagement of marginalized and vulnerable groups in deciding and implementing actions in adapting to climate stresses and shocks; and
implement biodiversity and climate actions at local and national levels through equitable institutional partnerships of government, private sector, and other stakeholders.
Geographic Scope/Focus
The Activity will conserve biodiversity and advance climate adaptation and mitigation at the national and subnational levels. To enable the sustainability of activity outcomes and capture the diversity of potential conservation and climate actions at different scales, this activity will support actions at three levels: (a) the national level to support policy development, institutional capacity and replication; (b) the sub-national level to support strategic programming and implementation of conservation actions at the provincial level; and, (c ) the sub-national level in selected geographies to demonstrate innovative conservation and climate actions in landscapes and seascapes.
The Activity is expected to work with national government agencies such as but not limited to, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Climate Change Commission (CCC), Department of Finance (DoF), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Justice (DoJ), in areas of developing policies, plans, incentive mechanisms, livelihood support, knowledge management, capacity building, implementing and monitoring national and sub-national level nature-based solutions.
Funding Information
Subject to funding availability and at the discretion of the Agency, USAID intends to provide $40,000,000 to $46,000,000.00 in total USAID funding over a five-year period.
Results Framework and Intended Results/Outcomes
Activity Outcome 1: Relevant policies developed and enhanced to support and increase investments in nature-based solutions at the national and sub-national levels.
The Government of the Philippines is well placed to set regulatory frameworks to ensure that there are policy bases to support and scale up efforts related to biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Government can provide incentives to generate more investment and leverage support from the private sector, other donors and development partners in resilience building. However, issues of insufficient capacity, overlapping mandates, and conflicting policies continue to be a challenge in the natural resources management and climate change sector.
This Activity will support enabling conditions for improved biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. This includes capacity building to further strengthen monitoring, enforcement and implementation of existing rules and regulations and policy protocols that will help increase stakeholder engagement. It will also help analyze policy and regulatory frameworks, identify gaps, and work with key government agencies at the national and local levels to institute policy reforms to strengthen natural resource governance and increase investments and financing for nature-based solutions. Interventions could include the development of a national investment plan outlining a portfolio of projects that are ready for investment by public or private entities or international donors.
This activity will also help the government to facilitate access to localized biodiversity, climate risk, and vulnerability data to help key stakeholders, especially the private sector, integrate climate risks in their planning, policy, and decision-making processes.
Illustrative Activities
Institutional and policy analysis to identify and address gaps and barriers for private sector participation in biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Private sector landscape analysis to identify potential actors and business opportunities in biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Development of incentive mechanisms for private sector engagement in biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Illustrative Indicators
Number of laws, policies, or regulations that address biodiversity conservation and/or other environmental themes officially proposed, adopted, or implemented because of USG assistance.
Number of laws, policies, regulations, or standards addressing climate change adaptation/sustainable landscapes formally proposed, adopted, or implemented as supported by USG assistance.
Number of policy, regulatory, and governance frameworks drafted that fundamentally affect the viability of investments in low carbon and climate resilient approaches by the private sector.
Activity Outcome 2: Biodiversity and climate financing mobilized and access and use increased.
Businesses and investors increasingly recognize the business and investment risks associated with biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, and climate change impacts. In November 2022, the Philippine government and private sector agreed to turn climate commitments into actions. To implement the Philippine Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan, the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and the Nationally Determined Contributions of the Philippines and achieve biodiversity and climate goals, increased investments and financing for biodiversity conservation and climate change are critical.
The Activity will harness private capital to help finance national and local priorities, which include conserving and restoring forests, mangroves and seagrasses, and coral reefs; advancing climate-smart agriculture and watershed rehabilitation; and boosting the resilience of agricultural supply chains and smallholder farmers. Opportunities for engaging the private sector include developing, piloting, and implementing a range of economic and business/investment models, such as impact investment, blended finance, performance bonds, carbon markets, payments for ecosystem services, and blue carbon financing. Interventions could be in the form of designing, developing and promoting financial incentives or risk and cost reduction schemes such as credit enhancement, tax benefits, guarantees, and other risk reduction or revenue-boosting measures.
Illustrative Activities
Capacity building and technical assistance to local government units (LGUs), CSOs and POs in developing project proposals.
Capacity building and technical assistance in developing business models on innovative financing/investment solutions.
Partner with banking and financial institutions to catalyze biodiversity and climate investments.
Illustrative Indicators
Amount of investment mobilized (in USD) for sustainable landscapes as supported by USG assistance.
Amount of investment mobilized (in USD) for biodiversity conservation and/or other natural resources management as supported by USG assistance.
Amount of investment or financing accessed and used (in USD) for nature-based solutions.
Activity Outcome 3: Implementation of nature-based solutions (NbS) scaled-up.
Globally, there is a recognition of the benefits of NbS, including natural climate solutions, in sustaining the provision of ecosystem goods and services, reducing vulnerabilities, and addressing complexities in managing the compounding and cascading risks posed by climate change across the forestry, biodiversity, and other sectors. Similarly, the Philippines Development Plan explicitly articulates the implementation of NbS to adapt and increase climate resilience. However, some barriers to scaling investment in NbS for climate resilience are the limited understanding of its benefits, and insufficient capacity and resources in implementing NbS.
This Activity will strengthen the capacity of government, LGUs, CSOs, and CBOs to implement evidence-based national and local biodiversity and climate solutions that will increase conservation values, ecosystem and community resilience, and adaptive capacity. Examples include conserving and restoring mangroves; planting indigenous, climate-resilient and multi-use species; promoting, agroforestry, adaptive fisheries management, climate-ready fisheries, and climate-resilient agriculture; and establishing sustainable forest management and marine protected areas and networks of reserves.
Illustrative Activities
Co-management of protected areas or conserved areas
Conserving and restoring mangroves.
Scaling up existing NBS across multiple ecosystem types.
Illustrative Indicators
Number of hectares of biologically significant areas under improved natural resource management because of USG assistance.
Greenhouse gas emissions, estimated in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, reduced, sequestered, or avoided through sustainable landscapes activities supported by USG assistance.
Number of hectares under improved management expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because of USG assistance.
Activity Outcome 4: Reduced barriers to sustained positive environmental behavior of key stakeholders.
Several challenges hinder the uptake of pro-conservation behavior and actions. Both the public and the private sector often perceive biodiversity loss and climate risks as unreal and intangible. A challenge in combating illegal trade in wildlife is that the current response is predominantly enforcement and regulatory rather than focused on changing the behaviors of consumers to discourage illegal wildlife trade or identifying alternative livelihood options to encourage illegal wildlife traders to pursue other economic opportunities.
The Activity will endeavor to understand the motivational and contextual environment facilitating or impeding social and behavior change of key stakeholders, especially at the community level. The interventions will focus on social and behavior campaigns that promote sustainable and positive actions towards natural resources access, use, and management and will reduce demand for illicit products. Interventions will contribute to changing the behavior of key stakeholders to adopt more positive behaviors towards the environment and use of natural resources.
Illustrative Activities
Analyze the beliefs, social norms, and lifestyles among target groups.
Produce information, education, and communication materials on biodiversity conservation and climate change actions, including nature-based solutions and combating wildlife trafficking.
Conduct communication, advocacy, and awareness raising campaigns, including through digital and social media.
Illustrative Indicators
Percent of target audience that demonstrates desired behavior.
Number of people trained in sustainable natural resources management and/or biodiversity conservation because of USG assistance.
Percent reduction in the sales of illegal wildlife products.
Activity Outcome 5: Access of vulnerable communities to diversified, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable livelihood options increased.
Adapting to climate variability has long been a way of life for many Filipino communities, especially farmers, fisherfolk, and indigenous peoples who are often among the most impoverished in the country. However, the fast-changing climate is now outpacing their coping mechanisms, with significant impacts on their lives and livelihoods. Poor communities living on fragile and degraded lands are the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, which further undermine their source of livelihoods and capacity to cope with disasters and climate risks.
This Activity will ensure that livelihood options are available and accessible to the most vulnerable communities in the priority sites. This Activity will also support entrepreneurs and MSMEs, with a special emphasis on women entrepreneurs, to build market resilience, promote income diversification, and improve productivity while at the same, contribute towards conservation and climate outcomes.
Illustrative Activities
Supply or value chain analysis for specific industries, e.g., Non-Timber Forest Product, ecotourism.
Capacity building for organizational development and enterprise development and management.
Identification of climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly livelihoods and enterprises.
Illustrative Indicators
Number of micro-enterprises supported by USG.
Number of small and medium-sized enterprises supported by USG assistance.
Number of people with improved economic benefits derived from sustainable natural resource management and/or biodiversity conservation because of USG assistance.
Target Partners and Beneficiaries:
Government agencies at the national and sub-national levels (e.g. DOF, DBM, DTI, SEC, DENR, DA, CCC)
Private sector
Civil Society organizations
Communities and vulnerable groups, including small farmers and fisherfolk, women and youth, and Indigenous Peoples
Eligibility for this RFA is not restricted. For-profit entities may submit applications, but profit is not allowable under this RFA.
USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
Faith-based organizations are eligible to apply for federal financial assistance on the same basis as any other organization and are subject to the protections and requirements of Federal law.
Each applicant must be found to be a responsible entity before receiving an award in accordance with ADS 303.3.9.
Post Date: June 05, 2024