Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

Grant Size $10,000 to $100,000   ,   Closing Date


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ) is now open for applications to provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate.

Its focus is global and eligibility for grants will extend to all plant, animal and fungi species conservation efforts, without discrimination on the basis of region or selected species.

Funding Information
  • Grants will be awarded based on their ability to meet criteria pre-determined by the Species Fund, and are for maximum of $25,000 for each project.

Eligible Projects
  • In situ conservation: Generally the Fund is primarily interested in providing support to in situ conservation work in the field (such as survey work and data gathering, direct action, recovery management, training and the like), focusing on the species in its natural habitat. However, the importance of ex situ work (genetic analysis, workshops, ex situ populations etc) is also recognised, and so a few grants may be given to projects which focus on ex situ conservation work in certain circumstances.

  • Species: Generally the Fund would prefer to support projects which focus on a single species, but it also recognises that in some geographic and taxonomic circumstances it makes more sense to group a number of species.


  • Anyone directly involved in species conservation can apply to the Fund for a grant.

  • The Fund will consider grants for the conservation of any threatened or poorly known animal, plant or fungus species.

  • It is the intention of the Fund to provide small, targeted grants to local and grassroots projects, but applications for larger grants will occasionally be considered at the invitation of the board.

  • Generally the Fund will not provide a grant to cover any of the costs of a study course. In the case of a workshop, any such application will be carefully reviewed by the Fund's board on a case by case basis, to ensure that the workshop closely addresses the needs of species conservation in line with the aims of the Fund.

  • You can apply for more than one grant at a time but a separate application is required for each species/project.

  • The Fund is primarily interested in in situ species conservation work, but will consider applications for an ex situ project where it is demonstrated to be critical to the survival of the species concerned.

Post Date: 26-Dec-2022

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