CFPs: Supporting Youth to develop Micro & Small Businesses in Albertine and Rwenzori Regions (Uganda)

Grant Size $500,000 to $1 million   ,   Closing Date


The Enabel is seeking applications to address the lack of employment opportunities and barriers to inclusive economic development for vulnerable youth, particularly young women, by supporting the development of sustainable micro- and small businesses.

In first instance, the project aims to enhance resilience needs of vulnerable youth/ youth groups. The call therefore targets micro- and small businesses, including in the informal economy, that can generate sufficient income or enhance income diversification, for sustainable livelihoods and enhanced food security.

The call aims to unlock entrepreneurship potential and primarily promotes business development support actions. The target groups are therefore skilled youth who have the entrepreneurial mindset, capacity and are ready but in need of support to start their micro-business and/or youth business-owners in need of support to make their business resilient and maximize its value.

  • The general objective of this Call for Proposals is: The livelihoods of vulnerable youth, including young women, in Albertine and Rwenzori subregions, are improved and sustained through access to self-employment opportunities.

  • The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is: Vulnerable youth, including young women, start and grow sustainable micro- or small businesses, through enhanced access to quality business development support.

  • The call targets sustainable micro- and small business development support in the following value chains: 

    • Lot 1: Agriculture: 

      • Small livestock: poultry, and piggery value chains; 

      • Apiary value chain. Other agricultural value chains may be considered in a mixed farming context whereby poultry, piggery or apiary value chains represent the major source of income generation. 

    • Lot 2: Green economy: 

      • Sustainable tourism and hospitality value chains; 

      • Solar energy value chain; 

      • Green construction value chains.

Funding Information
  • The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is 1,000,000 EUR. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all of the available funds.

  • The total indicative amount is distributed over sectors/lots, with indicative allocation per lot as follows:

    • Lot 1 – Agriculture:

      • minimum amount: 150,000 EUR

      • maximum amount: 500,000 EUR

    • Lot 2 – Green economy:

      • minimum amount: 150,000 EUR

      • maximum amount: 500,000 EUR

  • The initial planned duration of an action may not be less than 15 months nor exceed 24 months (excluding 3 months grant closure).

  • Within the actions, the duration of business support schemes7 shall not be less than 6 months, nor exceed 12 months.

Expected Results
  • Expected results are:

    • 1000 vulnerable youth, including young women (ie. Skilled, unemployed youth as well as youth business-owners), are supported to start or grow sustainable micro- and small businesses through quality business development support;

    • 1000 vulnerable youth (the same target group as under expected result 1), are supported to access affordable finance and capital to start or grow their micro- or small businesses;

    • Good practices in (green/climate-smart) business development services for the economic integration of vulnerable youth are scaled-up.


  • Applicant

    • Be a legal entity; and

    • Be a private not for profit entity or foundation; and

    • Be established or represented in Uganda; and

    • Be any of the following types of organization:

      • National or International Non-Governmental Organization, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, or Foundation;

      • Business Membership Organisation;

      • Non-profit Business Development Service Provider. And

    • Have demonstrated local expertise and experience in managing quality business development initiatives and economic empowerment of vulnerable youth and young women in a Uganda for – at least – the past 2 years; and

    • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the coapplicant(s) (where applicable) and not be acting as an intermediary; and

    • Have an active Bank Account for the past 12 months; and

    • Have in-house financial management capacity.

  • Co-applicant(s)

    • Be a legal entity; and

    • Be a public entity; or Be a private not for profit entity or foundation; or Be a legal entity of private law for which profit maximization is not the priority objective, and

    • Be established or represented in Uganda; and

    • Be any of the following types of organization:

      • Accredited public or private non-profit technical and/or vocational skills training provider;

      • Semi-autonomous public agency in Research and Development, agricultural extension services or community development;

      • National or International NGO, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, or Foundation;

      • Business Membership Organisation;

      • Non-profit Business Development Service provider;

      • A cooperative or social enterprise for which profit maximization is not the priority objective; 

    • Have demonstrated expertise and experience in participating in the implementation of quality business development initiatives and economic empowerment of vulnerable youth and young women in the geographical target area for – at least – the past 2 years;

    • Have an operational governance structure and an active bank account for the past 12 months.

Post Date: July 08, 2024

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