CFPs: Supporting Creation of Small Businesses & Strengthening Livelihoods of Returnees and Internally Displaced People (Libya)
UNDP is offering grants to support the population of Murzuq with asset recovery to returnees rehabilitating their micro and small businesses and/or replacing their damaged productive assets which are helping returnees to Murzuq who lost their livelihoods and productive assets due to the conflict, to replace their lost assets, or recover them partially, as a boost to restart their economic activity and reestablish their livelihoods.
The key objectives of this project are to:
Support the affected population, primarily returnees and the residing communities, to restart their livelihood activities and reduce dependency on aid for longer periods.
Recover the lost/damaged livelihood productive assets of affected households and protect erosion of the household’s other remaining assets and capacities.
Budget Size
The overall indicative grant pool amount made available under this Call for proposal is US Dollars 200,000.00 targeting from 35 to 75 households. UNDP reserves the right not to award all available funds should the number and quality of applications not meet the criteria.
Duration: The project will be taking place over a period of 7 months. The applying organizations are requested to submit a clear and detailed work plan for each output/deliverable and the budget within the foreseen timeframe.
Expected Outputs
Output 1. Implementation plan is prepared.
Conduct rapid livelihoods assessment and define the commonly used economically productive assets (use public studies in target municipality on the asset needs for livelihoods assistance, if available).
In consultation with UNDP, liaise with community platforms (in collaboration with community leaders and local authorities where there is equal or proportional representation of inhabitants) to enable a feedback and accountability loop between beneficiaries and the project management team.
Prepare beneficiary selection criteria (exemplary vulnerability criteria in relation to socio-economic status and potential economic opportunities) with focus on women and female headed households, youth and people with disabilities, and define the target beneficiaries’ sub-groups in consultation with local authorities and UNDP Libya;
Output 2. Targeting and selection process is completed.
Launch the call for proposals for economic projects in the community;
Organize meetings, or use other methods of engagement to ensure enrollment and interest of the potential beneficiaries – in the municipality;
Select the beneficiaries using the previously prepared selection criteria (to be cleared by UNDP) and through the evaluation of the applications;
Output 3. Asset recovery in-kind mechanism implemented for 35 to 75 returnee households seeking to re-establish or start new income generating activities.
Procure and distribute livelihoods support packages: assets selected for each economic activity;
Provide relevant business training for beneficiaries in groups of assets and lines of economic activity;
Monitor the compliance to the signed agreements.
Output 4. Evaluation of the project is completed.
Undertake a final evaluation including measuring the immediate impact of the project, including pre and post assessments. The assessment needs to focus on impact in terms of contribution to improving livelihoods opportunities, encouraging return and promoting reconciliation.
Final Report Document including sharing the lessons learned.
Municipality targeted: Murzuq
Beneficiaries: From at least 35 to up to 75 households
The applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:
Non-governmental, charitable, non-profit organization (or coalition led by such) operating in Libya in humanitarian or development projects for at least two years with proven access and implementation capacity in Murzuq Municipality (formal letters to be submitted).
At least 1 proven project in implementing asset recovery or small grant programme through distribution-in-kind or cash grants to households implemented in Libya, is required.
Geographical areas of operation of the NGO must match the selected municipality (Murzuq) or the NGO has assured that it has the ability and staff to support implementation in Murzuq.
At least one previous experience in conducting business training to MSMEs, farmers or households in the context of emergency livelihoods is a strong asset.
Previous experience in project administration from the UN agencies is a strong asset.
Availability of human resources that will ensure due quality and timely implementation of the contract. NGOs must have a team of at least four or more members satisfying the requirements.
The parameters that will determine whether an NGO is eligible to be considered by UNDP will be based on the Capacity Assessment and risk assessment that will be conducted by reviewing the information provided by the NGO through the Capacity Assessment Checklist and the Request from information for NGO that should be duly completed and submitted with the required supporting documents.
Post Date: December 01, 2023