CFPs: European support for Integrated Programme for the reconstruction and General Upgrading of Disaster Areas (Morocco)

Grant Size EUR 2,250,000   ,   Closing Date


The European Commission (EC) is inviting proposals to help facilitate the inclusive and participatory aspect of reconstruction and sustainable post-earthquake recovery.

Program Objectives and Priorities

  • The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals are:

    • Lot 1: Facilitate the safeguarding and enhancement of heritage in vernacular construction, based on local materials and traditional construction methods; 

    • Lot 2: Strengthen the participatory and community approach in the reconstruction effort through the promotion of a dynamic of inclusive and resilient territorial cohesion.

  • The priority of this call for proposals is:

    • For Lot 1 

      • The safeguarding and enhancement of heritage through the development of knowledge of trades relating to traditional and vernacular construction 

      • Demonstration of the effectiveness of traditional and vernacular constructions 

      • The scientific approach to traditional and vernacular construction (development of knowledge and demonstration of effectiveness)

      • The promotion of traditional and vernacular construction vis-à-vis the communities of practitioners, administrations and populations

    • For Lot 2

      • Mobilization of nature-based solutions; 

      • Promoting community resilience; 

      • The transmission of local and traditional knowledge 

      • The networking of actors linked to reconstruction and/or recovery in the areas victims

      • Prevention of possible conflicts linked to reconstruction processes or recovery economic of disaster areas

      • Sharing of information linked in particular to reconstruction processes or recovery economy of disaster areas

      • Promoting transparency and accountability

Funding Information

  • The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals amounts to EUR 5,700,000. The contracting authority reserves the right not to allocate all available funds.

  • Amount of grants

    • Any grant requested under this call for proposals must be between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

      • For lot 1: amount 1,200,000 EUR

        • minimum amount: 500,000 EUR

        • maximum amount: 1,200,000 EUR

      • For lot 2: 4,500,000 EUR

        • minimum amount: 1,500,000 EU

        • maximum amount: EUR 2,250,000


  • For both lots, the initial planned duration of an action cannot be less than 3span months nor exceed 48 months.

Types of Activity

  • For Lot 1

    • Development and organization of initial training cycles for engineering schools and architectural schools and/or continuing education for trades linked to traditional and vernacular construction and compliance with anti-seismic standards for traditional habitat.

    • Strengthening professional training operators and support for structuring/certification of training courses in this sector.

    • Rehabilitation of heritage buildings with techniques using local materials (vernacular construction) while respecting anti-seismic standards and relying on a participatory approach from communities.

    • Validation of this rehabilitation work through a scientific approach by bringing together the different representatives of the trades (architects, control office, engineers, etc.) in a joint approach in order to safeguard and enhance the heritage. 

    • The organization of seminars and conferences aimed at promoting traditional and vernacular construction and the scientific value of this approach in order to include it in the national tangible and intangible heritage.

    • Publications relating to traditional and vernacular construction and the scientific value of the approach, 

    • Communication on traditional and vernacular construction and the scientific value of the approach

  • For lot 2

    • Support for the creation/revitalization of cooperatives of rural women and young people (crops, livestock) and VSEs (Très Entreprises) (young entrepreneurs). This support will be linked to reconstruction, and/ o the development of agroecology, short circuits, ecosystem services, circular economy, decarbonization. 

    • Securing the margins of small producers: valorization of agroecological practices of diversified production, economical in inputs, resilient to drought and regenerative of resources (crop/livestock).

    • Enhancement of heritage through the promotion of sustainable (agro-)ecotourism on sites that have been rehabilitated, and/or near protected areas. 

    • Land development promoting common heritage (planting of trees to combat erosion with drought-resistant varieties, earthworks, participatory construction of collective buildings (stable/common room, etc.).

    • Monitoring and evaluation of reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in the disaster area.

    • Networking of civil society initiatives and local associations linked to the reconstruction process at the level of eligible provinces and/or support for the creation of post-earthquake community dynamics 

    • Transparency and Social Accountability Campaign


  • Lead applicant

    • To qualify for a grant, the lead applicant must:

      • be a legal entity

      • belong to one of the following categories of organizations: non-profit, non-governmental organizations, including civil society organizations, and professional organizations

      • be established in Morocco or in a member state of the European Union or other eligible countries as indicated in the IVCDCI9

      • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity(ies) and not act as an intermediary

      • have already carried out at least one action in the field of local/rural development in Morocco (for lot 2), and in the field of heritage preservation in Morocco and/or internationally (for lot 1).

  • Co-applicant(s)

    • The co-applicants participate in the development and implementation of the action, and the costs they bear are eligible in the same way as those borne by the lead applicant.

    • Co-applicants must meet the same eligibility criteria as those that apply to the lead applicant itself. In addition to those mentioned in section 2.1.1, the following applicants are also eligible: universities whose status defines them as non-profit, local authorities and public bodies and cooperatives.

    • Co-applicants must sign the mandate form.

  • Affiliated Entities

    • The lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with one or more affiliated entities.

    • Only the following entities can be considered affiliated with the lead applicant and/or co-applicant(s):

      • Only entities that have a structural link with the applicants (the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link.

      • This structural link mainly encompasses two notions:

        • Control relating to annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain forms of undertaking.

        • Entities affiliated with an applicant may therefore be:

          • Entities controlled directly or indirectly by the applicant (subsidiaries or first-tier subsidiaries) or controlled by an entity itself controlled by the applicant (sub-subsidiaries or second-tier subsidiaries). This is valid for other control levels; 

          • Entities directly or indirectly controlling the applicant (parent companies). Likewise, these may be entities controlling a company controlling the applicant;

          • Entities at the same level of direct or indirect control as the applicant (companies sisters);

        • Membership, i.e. the applicant is legally defined as, for example, a network, federation or association of which the proposed affiliated entity is a member, or the applicant is a member of the same entity (for example, a network, a federation or an association, etc.) than the proposed affiliated entity.

Post Date: August 20, 2024

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