Call for Proposals to support CSOs focusing on Peacebuilding and Recovery in Yemen

Grant Size $100,000 to $500,000   ,   Closing Date


The Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) has launched a call for proposals in Yemen to support civil society organizations to implement projects focusing on peacebuilding and recovery, as well as supporting local women and young women's rights organizations through institutional funding.

Entering its tenth year of war, Yemen remains amongst the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Approximately 4.5 million individuals, constituting 14 percent of the population, are displaced, and many of them have experienced displacement multiple times over several years. Two-thirds of the population, totaling 21.6 million people, are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection services. The threat of a large-scale famine in the country is acute, with the food insecure population reaching 17 million in 2023. Even prior to the conflict, Yemen has been characterized by persistent deep-rooted patriarchal attitudes and stereotypes regarding women and girls’ roles and responsibilities, discriminating against women. At present, gender inequalities in Yemen are exacerbated by the conflict. Displaced and vulnerable women and girls face a range of distinct challenges and protection issues. Yemenis are forced to employ negative coping mechanisms, such as early and forced marriages. At the same time, many displaced women and girls are empowered actors, and their participation in social, economic and political decision-making is a crucial prerequisite to building peace and gender-responsive recovery in Yemen.

Objectives and Purpose
  • The overall purpose of this call for proposals is to provide grants to local civil society organizations in Yemen focused on the improved socio-economic recovery and participation of women and young women in peacebuilding contexts. The call for proposals specifically contributes to WPHF’s overall goal of contributing to peaceful and gender equal societies. 

  • Initiatives should aim to reach those women and girls experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those excluded due to geography, ethnicity, disability, age, migratory status, HIV status, among others and which is in alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the principle of leaving no one behind.

Funding Information
  • WPHF seeks to fund qualifying local organizations in Yemen through the following funding streams: 

    • Programmatic funding from 30,000 USD to 200,000 USD 

      • To finance programmatic activities of CSOs aimed at improving the socio-economic recovery and political participation of women and young women in peacebuilding contexts.

    • Institutional funding from 2,500 USD to 30,000 USD 

      • To reinforce the institutional capacity of women’s rights and women-led organizations working on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Yemen to ensure they are able to sustain themselves and to improve their impact.

  • CSOs can apply for a project duration of maximum 2 years (24 months).

Geographic Locations
  • The WPHF will fund qualifying projects in Yemen with a geographical focus in the governorates of Taiz and Aden.Multi-country projects, or projects outside the geographical focus will NOT be accepted.

Ineligibility Criteria
  • The following are NOT eligible to apply for a grant from the WPHF:

    • International non-governmental organizations;

    • Government agencies or institutions;

    • UN agencies or UN Country Teams;

    • Private individuals;

    • Private sector entities;

    • Universities, Think Tanks or Education or Research Institutions.


  • National, regional or local/grassroots women or young women led, women’s rights, youth rights, feminist,  or civil society organizations with a proven track record working with women, young women and girls, are eligible to apply. Organizations who are led by women who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination are encouraged to apply, including displaced persons, disabilities, ethnic minorities, etc.

    • Women’s Rights or Feminist Organization: The organization’s must have gender equality and women’s rights at  the core of their official mission/vision statement. The organization’s experience should clearly reflect  addressing multiple/intersecting forms of discrimination and advancing gender equality and women’s rights and  aim to address the underlying drivers/systems/structures, including patriarchy and gendered power dynamics,  and work to transform these.

    • Women-Led Organization: must be headed by a woman as director/head of organization.

    • Youth Focused Organization: To be considered “youth focused", the organization's core mission/vision must  focus on supporting the social, economic and political participation of young women and young men and  addressing multiple/ intersecting forms of discrimination against young women and men. WPHF will provide  specific attention to youth focused organizations supporting young women, advancing gender equality and  peacebuilding.

    • Young Women Led Organization: must be headed by a young person aged between 18 - 29 years old who serves as director/head of organization

Post Date: March 20, 2024

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