Grants up to US$ 1,000,000 available under Project Grant
The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) offers Project Grant up to US$ 1,000,000 for projects that improve food safety, animal and plant health capacity to comply with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements.
The STDF offers grants for projects that promote compliance with international SPS requirements. It should be clear how the requested project will help to address particular SPS challenges or issues that affect trade to regional and/or international markets.
The following types of projects are given favourable consideration:
Projects relevant to the identification, development and dissemination of good practice in SPS-related technical cooperation, including projects that develop and apply innovative and replicable approaches;
Projects linked to STDF work (e.g. Climate Change, Electronic SPS Certification, Good Regulatory Practice, Public-Private Partnerships, Trade Facilitation);
Projects that address SPS constraints through regional approaches; and
Collaborative and inter-disciplinary projects focused on the interface / linkages between human, animal and plant health and trade, and benefiting from the involvement of two or more partners or other relevant organizations.
What are SPS capacity needs?
International commerce (exports and imports) involves potential risks to public health from the entry of unsafe food or spread of animal-carried diseases, risks to animal health from the entry of pests or diseases and unsafe feedstuffs, and to plant life and the environment from the entry of alien invasive species, other pests and diseases. SPS capacity is therefore an essential element in both maintaining and expanding market access, as well as protecting against the negative human, animal or environmental consequences of sanitary or phytosanitary problems.
SPS capacity needs and priorities vary across countries and regions. SPS capacity needs can exist in both the public and private sectors. They may, for instance, be related (but not limited) to weaknesses in:
The legal and regulatory framework for SPS management;
The SPS policy and strategy development (e.g. SPS action plans);
The implementation of SPS standards and requirements (i.e. Codex/IPPC/OIE standards, official requirements of trading partners, etc.) including risk analysis capacity;
Knowledge among government officials, private sector operators, farmers, etc. about SPS requirements in export markets;
Information exchange and cooperation among stakeholders (i.e. government agencies, private sector producers/exporters, chambers of commerce, etc.) involved in food and agricultural trade and SPS issues;
Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary inspection, enforcement, diagnostics, certification, etc.;
Monitoring, surveillance, eradication, zoning, establishment of disease/pest free areas, etc.; and
The application of good agricultural and manufacturing practices including HACCP.
Funding Information
Project grants (PGs), up to a maximum of US$1,000,000
The following organizations are eligible to apply for STDF funding:
Public sector entities (including regional or international bodies) with responsibility for SPS measures or policy, either in their own right or in cooperation with the private sector. The STDF encourages implementation of projects and activities through public private partnerships;
Private sector entities, either in their own right or in cooperation with the public sector. Examples of private sector entities include legally registered farmers' organizations, trade and industry associations, etc.;
Non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area and with an organization in the relevant beneficiary country or countries, in co-operation with the public and/or private sector; and
STDF partners.
Post Date: 14-Oct-2022