Short Term Grant for Armenian Studies
Qualified students (Master or PhD degree), academics and researchers in Armenian Studies wishing to attend international conferences or summer courses, to undertake field research or pursue small research projects, or to engage in other relevant activities related to their work can now apply for Short Term Grant for Armenian Studies.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is giving the possibility to qualified students, academics, and researchers in Armenian Studies to participate in activities related to their field of studies/research, encouraging academic interaction and exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Funding Information
The maximum amount is 5000 Euros in this scholarship category.
Be a Master or PhD degree student or a researcher in the field of Armenian Studies, wishing to conduct field research or pursue small research projects, or to engage in other relevant activities related to their work (including international conference attendance or summer school participation).
The maximum duration of stay or length of project is three months. There is no age limit but preference is given to younger scholars.
Application Requirements
A copy of the candidate’s passport (main page with personal data) – it is legally required to provide the following data: complete name, date of birth, identification number, fiscal number and permanent address.
Attested copies of university certificates, translated into English, if originals are not in English or French or Portuguese.
A full curriculum vitae including list of publications (if any).
Letter of support from supervisor(s) or referees.
Additional references may be asked for.
If a conference,
Title and abstract of the paper accepted for presentation (proposal).
Letter of acceptance by conference/seminar/activity organizers.
A brief description of the conference/seminar/activity and its relevance to the applicant’s research.
If a research trip or project,
A complete research proposal, with abstract (max. 5 pages) describing the research problem, the framework of the research, a description of the way in which the problem will be approached and the proposed research methodology, the scientific scope, a prospective timeline, as well as the theoretical and empirical sources used.
Invitation letter from host institution (if applicable).
Post Date: January 24, 2025