Enhancing Civil Society Capacities for Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine

Grant Size $100,000 to $500,000   ,   Closing Date


The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) together with the Eastern Europe Foundation (EEF), with the support of the Norwegian Agency for Development and Cooperation (NORAD) and in partnership with Sweden (Sida), have launched a three-year project “Enhancing Civil Society Capacities for Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine”.

The aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs) to set and achieve development goals that will contribute to Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, early recovery and democratic governance reforms in Ukraine. The activities aim to address the challenges faced by CSOs, including lack of resources, skills, engagement, visibility and networking. The project contributes to strengthening the capacity of civil society and improving its position to defend Ukraine as a resilient and inclusive European democracy, which will help it recover from the enormous damage caused by the Russian war.

The purpose of the competition is to promote the development of the institutional capacity of civil society organizations, which includes, among other things: strategic planning; operational and financial management of CSOs; development of competencies in carrying out monitoring, advocacy, analytical and other activities; improving the quality and effectiveness of CSO activities in their areas of competence; strengthening the effectiveness of external communication; establishing cooperation with other partners in the public sector and interaction with stakeholders - the community, authorities, business, media, etc.

This will be achieved through the implementation of an institutional grant program:

  • increasing the capacity of CSOs in project management, leadership and human resource management;

  • promoting accountability and democratic governance of CSOs;

  • improving CSO financial management, raising funds and diversifying funding sources for the long-term financial sustainability and sustainability of the organization;

  • strengthening the capacity of CSOs in research and analytics, communication, training and reporting;

  • strengthening the capacity of CSOs to apply planning, budgeting and monitoring tools in recovery activities that take into account, among other things, aspects of human rights, non-discrimination and gender equality;

  • improving the capacity of CSOs to engage citizens and other organizations/institutions in inclusive, ecological and sustainable recovery processes;

  • strengthening inter-regional and inter-thematic coalitions and networks, knowledge exchange, mutual learning, dissemination of best practices among civil society.

Funding Information
  • The average budget of one institutional project is 5,500,000 hryvnias.


Eligibility Criteria
  • Participants in the competition are public organizations, public unions, charitable foundations, and self-organization bodies of the population. Within the framework of the competition, three cohorts of grant recipients will be selected, for whom different training programs will be developed (please clearly determine which of the lots listed below your organization is applying for):

    • Lot 1: Think tanks;

    • Lot 2. Resource centers that activate public participation;

    • Lot 3. CSOs that directly contribute to inclusive, participatory, transparent, green and sustainable recovery processes.

Post Date: January 11, 2025

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