CFPs: NGO/OSC - LANDJA Operationalization of Collaboration Mechanisms between Dina Stakeholders (Madagascar)
The United Nations Development Program is seeking project proposals for low-value grants within the framework of the operationalization of collaboration mechanisms between Dina stakeholders.
In support of the Malagasy Ministry of Justice, UNDP, through the Rule of Law Strengthening Program, has supported since the previous programming cycle a series of initiatives aimed at improving the functioning of judicial institutions in general and the courts of first instance in particular. Thus, stakeholders at the level of the courts and the Prison Administration have benefited from several capacity-building actions in various areas. In addition to the dissemination of knowledge, technical and material support has been provided to the TPI, the Courts of Appeal in the intervention areas, the Supreme Court and the prison administration. This support has made it possible to equip the Justice structures to improve their functioning and the working conditions of the stakeholders and to bring about significant changes in the processing of files and the management of procedures relating to legal cases. They have also made it possible to expand access to justice for vulnerable population groups through the operationalization of a local justice mechanism at the community level, the TranoAroZo or legal clinics. As part of the new programming cycle (UNSDCF) and the new Country Programme Document 2024-2028, UNDP confirms the priority it has given to promoting good governance and the rule of law through Strategic Priority 1 of said document (SP1: Strengthening good governance, the rule of law and security). The effectiveness of the application of the principles related to this SP constitutes, in fact, if not one of the conditions for establishing an inclusive process for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, at least a lever for accelerating and advancing their achievement.
In the justice sector, UNDP support mainly concerns the following areas: improving the efficiency of judicial institutions by strengthening the capacities of stakeholders; implementing service standards at the level of the courts; improving detention conditions and the framework for socio-professional reintegration in penitentiary establishments; consolidating the role of the Supreme Court and the High Council of the Judiciary in their mission of supervision and control; consolidating and perpetuating local legal assistance mechanisms for vulnerable populations and popularizing the law.
The general objective of this call for projects is to invite local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to submit projects that can contribute to the rapprochement of traditional and formal justice mechanisms while ensuring the improvement of access to justice, particularly for vulnerable populations.
Specific Objectives
The project proposals to be formulated by the Associations/NGOs have the specific objectives of:
Establishing an operational collaboration mechanism between the stakeholders (TPI, administrative authorities, districts, municipalities and communities) in the process of developing, approving and implementing the Dina in compliance with the legislation in force
Ensuring the effectiveness and legal security of the execution of decisions regularly taken by the executive committees of the Dina in accordance with the legislation in force and international human rights norms and standards;
Funding Information
The budget allocated for this Low Value Grants (LVG) is 600,000 USD or a maximum of 75,000 USD per region.
The structure of the budget proposed by the Associations/NGOs will be analyzed according to the percentage granted to the different sections of this budget. In general, project leaders are recommended to use the budget template in the appendix and to respect the budget distribution below.
Activities and acquisitions: 80%
Personnel costs and Budget distribution (%): 20%
Expected Results
The expected results of this initiative are as follows:
Actors at the level of the courts, local administrative authorities (regions, districts, municipalities) and communities have an operational collaboration mechanism in the process of developing, approving and implementing Dina, including sectoral Dina, in compliance with the legislation in force;
The execution of decisions regularly taken by the Executive Committees of Dina is effective and secured by both the judicial and administrative authorities.
The call for proposals is open to all Malagasy civil society organizations registered in accordance with current legislation and engaged in the following areas:
Promotion and protection of Human Rights.
Rule of law and Justice
Peace and security
Local governance
Gender equality
Citizen participation of young people
Post Date: February 06, 2025