NOFO: Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Program (Jordan)

Grant Size $10,000 to $100,000   ,   Closing Date


The U.S. Mission to Jordan is inviting applications for its Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Program to drive inclusive economic growth and build the capacity of 24 women-led and owned experiential tourism businesses.

The program will focus on growing participants’ business offerings and expanding their ability to promote sustainable and community-led experiential tourism (particularly in the eco-tourism and adventure tourism).  It aims to achieve this by incubating 12 existing experiential tourism small businesses and 12 emerging experiential tourism small businesses through a tailored six-month program that targets a total of 24 women entrepreneurs from 12 governorates and utilizes a Training of Trainers (TOT) capacity building model.

The program will be implemented in two cohorts over a period of six months, with staggered start dates to facilitate effective program management as well as provide a platform for knowledge transfer and skills development. The structure of the program will be as follows:

  • Cohort 1: two months, with a total of 8 training sessions taking place on Saturdays 

  • Cohort 2: two months, with a total of 8 training sessions taking place on Saturdays 

  • Intensive bootcamp for all program participants 

  • Final showcase and pitch competition

The implementer should use a hybrid model of online and in-person sessions to accommodate the diverse needs of geographically dispersed participants. The focus will be on maximizing in- person engagements, collaboration, and networking opportunities at partner locations, as well as locations of the businesses led by the participants across Jordan.

Focus Areas
  • The program should use DreamBuilder as the primary online training platform. Trainers will leverage DreamBuilder at all training sessions with a focus on building the capacity of the participants in the following areas:

    • Business Acumen

      • Train the participants on topics in entrepreneurship, experiential tourism, and related fields

      • Workshops on marketing, branding, and pitching 

      • Workshops on supply chain management and product development

    • Mentorship and Coaching

      • Pair experienced women entrepreneurs with mentees for one-on-one guidance. 

      • Provide coaching sessions to address specific business challenges and foster personal growth. 

      • Organize group mentorship meetings to encourage networking and mutual learning.

    • Access to Finance and Microgrants

      • Workshops on financial management for MSMEs

      • Collaborate with local financial institutions to educate the participants about funding options. 

      • Establish a microgrant program to provide seed funding for the top three business ideas pitched in the final showcase event.

        • $5,000.00 - Seed fund/microgrant given to 1st place winner after the pitch at the final showcase event 

        • $3,000.00 - Seed fund/microgrant given to 2nd place winner after the pitch at the final showcase event 

        • $2,000.00 - Seed fund/microgrant given to 3rd place winner after the pitch at the final showcase event 

      • Assist entrepreneurs in preparing funding proposals and connecting with investors/donors.

Funding Information
  • Total available funding: $39,976

  • Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $30,000 to a maximum of $39,976.00

  • Length of performance period: 6 to 10 months

Participants and Audiences
  • 12 existing experiential tourism small businesses and 12 emerging experiential tourism small businesses for a total of 24 women entrepreneurs


  • The following U.S. or Jordanian organizations are eligible to apply:

    • Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/nongovernmental organizations.

    • Public and private educational institutions

Post Date: June 07, 2024

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