Grants to Promote Gender Equality and Social Justice in South Sudan

Grant Size USD $ 3 Million   ,   Closing Date


UN Women is accepting applications to build the broader institutional and operational capacity of the South Sudan Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MGCSW) at national and State levels.

This Call is aligned with the MGCSW’s mandate of promoting gender equality, and social justice, and safeguarding the rights and welfare of women, children, persons with disability and other vulnerable groups, which is shared by UN Women. With funding from the World Bank, UN Women seeks the services of qualified National Non-Government organisations (NNGOs), Training institutions/Academia, and International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) to undertake this assignment in a phased manner. The following activities must be undertaken satisfactorily:

  • Phase 1: January – December 2024

    • MGCSW Human resource audit and workforce management processes review at national and state levels. The focus on the human resource should, among other things, aim to understand the available human resources structure of the MGCSW and assessing adequacy given the Ministry’s mandate at national and State level and make strategic recommendations for addressing the bottlenecks and or scaling up the good practices identified. 

    • MGCSW Business processes review – considering critical processes such as procurement, financial management, resource mobilization, partnerships and coordination mechanism between national and state level ministries, stewardship, and oversight functions for non-government partners, among others and make recommendations for improvement.

    • A review and revision of the South Sudan Gender Policy and action Plan and ensure alignment to the National Development Plan.

    • Review and update of standard operating procedures for GBV prevention, protection, and response.

    • Develop Strategic Plans for the Ministry of Gender child and Social Welfare for the 10 States.

    • Develop a comprehensive and costed national and state level MGCSW Institutional Capacity Development Plans to address the gaps in first and second point.  

  • Phase 2. January 2025 – September 2026

    • Delivery of training of 450 MCGSW staff at national and state levels, in line with the MGCSW Institutional Capacity Development Plans produced in Phase 1.

Funding Information
  • With funding from the World Bank, UN Women will make available a maximum of USD $ 3 Million for this Call.

  • This activity will be a 3-year intervention, running from January 2024 until June 2026. All applicants are expected to reserve the last quarter of the project duration for project closeout activities and a smooth transition of all tools and files to UNWomen and the Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare, as appropriate.

Component Outputs
  • The successful partners shall contribute to the following output through the listed deliverables.

  • Output 4.3: Capacities of national and state level MGCSW structures and business processes strengthened to enable effective delivery on the mandate of promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Expected Deliverables
  • Comprehensive and costed national and state level MGCSW Institutional Capacity Development Plans

  • A revised National gender Policy and a costed Action plan.

  • 10 C fully Costed State level MGCSW Strategic Plans.

  • Standard Operating procedure for GBV prevention, protection and response updated.

  • Capacities and skills of 450 MoGCSW staff at the national and state level boosted through training - aligned with new MGCSW Institutional Capacity Development Plans

Geographical Coverage
  • The project will be implemented in all 10 states of South Sudan and 2 Administrative areas of Ruweng and Pibor.


  • Technical/functional competencies required

    • The selection of the Responsible Party will be based on the following criteria:

      • At least 7 years of experience in conducting capacity assessments and developing institutional capacity development plans for government in fragile settings.  At least 3 years of field experience in Africa [and preferably in South Sudan].

      • At least 7 years proven experience in capacity building for Human Resource Teams and workforce operating in fragile contexts.

      • Experience supporting capacity and institutional growth for sub national state organisations will be of added advantage.

      • Demonstrated record of achieving results, using innovative and experiential learning and capacity building approaches for government institutions and Human resource teams in resource constrained settings.

      • Strong capacity in monitoring programme performance and the agility to quickly adapt to policy/programmatic exigencies is a requirement.

      • Key staff must have at least 7 years relevant experience in capacity assessment and institutional development in fragile and humanitarian settings in Africa.

      • Demonstrate presence in South Sudan or active partnerships with a capacity building NGOs/INGOs/Academia entity in South Sudan. In such cases, applicants must provide evidence of partnerships and clarity of roles for all parties. 

      • International NGOs/Academia interested to apply will have to demonstrate on how they will engage and or work with local NGOs/Academia on the project, to strengthen synergies to and make sure that the localization processes are sustained.

  • Requirements of Project Manager/Team Leader

    • Education: Degree in Public Administration, Education, Social work, Peace and conflict, social work and Social Administration, or any other relevant field in Humanities Field.

    • Work Experience: At least 7 years in social institutions capacity development, social workforce development and resilient systems building for social protection and response in fragile Africa.

    • Should possess fair knowledge and experience in working with government structures are national and sub national levels.

    • Knowledge of the roles and functions of Gender Ministries and the typology across Africa especially in Countries with similar and or related contexts like South Sudan.

    • Knowledge of the legal and policy barriers to women, children and other vulnerable persons socio protection and response in South Sudan. 

  • Eligible Programme Proposal

    • Using the guidance provided, the applicants must provide a concise document describing the organization’s portfolio and experience; examples of projects the organization may have had direct involvement with to replicate and/or avoid in achieving the objectives of this assignment.

    • CVs of the expert or team of experts highlighting their previous relevant experience. Reports, papers, or websites illustrating the competencies and examples of projects it will draw on.

    • A proposed ‘all in’ budget and workplan for all tasks and cost drivers, including sub-contractor fees where applicable.

    • All mandatory Annexes

  • Important notes

    • Proposals from INGOs should provide evidence of local partnerships.

    • In case of a consortium, the lead organization should have more than 7 years’ relevant experience.

    • Joint proposals from more than one organization must clearly indicate which organization will take lead responsibility for project management and contractual obligations.

    • UN Women will sign the contracts with and disburse funds to the applicant organization only.

    • Eligible organizations currently partnering with UN Women may apply under this call for proposals.

Post Date: September 11, 2023

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