Call for Proposals: Enhancing Livelihoods & Building Resilience for Crisis-Affected Populations in Syria

Grant Size $500,000 to $1 million   ,   Closing Date


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has announced a call for proposals to enhance livelihoods & build resilience for crisis-affected populations in Syria.

  • The overall objective of this project is to promote socio-economic resilience and enhance the Livelihoods of crisis-affected populations in targeted governorates and communities through private sector and market support, MSMEs development, promoting social enterprises, fostering youth and women's empowerment initiatives, and advancing self-employment targeted to green sector aiming at bolstering the socioeconomic resilience, leaving a sustainable imprint on the local economy and environment in the targeted locations.

Funding Information
  • The total allocated budget for all the 5 Lots is: $2,413,000.00 USD as follows:

    • Lot 1: Hama, Raqqah, Aleppo

      • Output 1 Allocation USD: 592,000.00

      • Output 2 Allocation USD: 172,000.00

      • Total Per Lot USD: 764,000.00

    • Lot 2: Sweida, Qunaitera

      • Output 1 Allocation USD: 272,000.00

      • Output 2 Allocation USD: 30,000.00

      • Total Per Lot USD: 302,000.00

    • Lot 3: Hassakeh

      • Output 1 Allocation USD: 290,000.00

      • Output 2 Allocation USD: 115,000.00

      • Total Per Lot USD: 405,000.00

    • Lot 4: Rural Damascus and Daraa

      • Output 1 Allocation USD: 550,000.00

      • Output 2 Allocation USD: 172,000.00

      • Total Per Lot USD: 722,000.00

    • Lot 5: Lattakia

      • Output 1 Allocation USD: 220,000.00

      • Output 2 Allocation USD: none

      • Total Per Lot USD: 220,000.00

  • It is expected that the responsible party shall begin the implementation of this project once local authorities grant approval, and it is assumed that the starting date will be on 01 August 2024 and last for a duration of 10 months until 31 of May 2025.

Outputs and Activities
  • Planned outputs and activities varies among the 5 LOTs, as listed below:

    • Lot 1: Aleppo (Maskana), Hamah ( AlSsan), & Raqqah ( Sabkha & Maadan):

      • Maximum budget allocated for LOT1: 764,000 USD 

      • Output 1: Local Economic Recovery Enhanced for Income, Employment and Reintegration of crisis-affected Syrians in Raqqa, Hama, and Aleppo. 

        • This output aims to facilitate access to equal and decent economic opportunities for all. While a market assessment should be conducted to inform the project activities, this output should focus on supporting longer-term employment creation and local economic recovery by achieving the below targets in Raqqa, Hama, and Aleppo, particularly Sabkha and Maadan in Raqqa, Al-Saan in Hama, and Maskana in Aleppo through sustainable livelihoods support such as MSMEs support considering, where possible, market system and value chain approach, support for youth entrepreneurship and start-up development, and supporting self-employment using market-based programming to achieve these targets as per the following proposed activities:

          • Activity 1.1. Supporting market revitalization and the revival of crisis-affected businesses and the establishment of new ones: Based on relevant market need assessment, The intervention should consider the overall market needs in a way that strategically and positively impact the targeted market. Accordingly, the support package expected to include targeted support to at least 40 MSMEs (20 in Maskana and 20 in Al-Saan) to be established or revived. The targeted support for MSMEs should include financial support with 2,500 USD as business cash grants, and non-financial support including business development services including access to market, technical support, mentoring, and enhancement of the competitiveness of the targeted MSMEs. The activity is expected to target a particular market, but not mandatory, to maximize the impact. The target under this activity is at least 40 MSMEs established/revived and provided with financial and non-financial services distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.2. Supporting Social Enterprises: The project should support the establishment of new or scaling of existing social enterprises. Each social enterprise should have at least 3 beneficiaries. Targeted social enterprises under this project should address, through its input, and/or its process and/or its outputs, and outcomes, one or more of the challenges related to the following categories: women empowerment, environment, and green economic recovery, elderlies, youth, persons with disabilities, IDPs and other marginalized groups, or any other relevant social values. (cooperatives can be considered as social enterprises as they provide a social value to the targeted local communities). The expected service package should include financial and non-financial services specific to social enterprises. Financial including 6,000 USD as cash grant paid by the responsible party, and non-financial including training on social concepts and the management of social businesses. Follow-up, mentoring, and coaching services are also to be considered under this category as an essential part. The target under this activity is 15 Social Enterprises established/scaled and provided with financial and non-financial services (at least 3 beneficiaries each – 15*3=45 beneficiaries)) distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.3. Supporting women-led businesses: Women-led businesses to be supported with the relevant technical skills, market skills, and business grants. Group businesses will be encouraged under this target. Nontraditional stereotypical sectors for these women-led businesses are a priority. UNDP will be looking at innovative solutions that broaden women's opportunities to engage in non-traditional sectors, proposals expected to take this into consideration. The support package will include financial support through cash grants of 2,500 USD each paid by the responsible party and non-financial support through business development services including relevant business management and development subjects. The target under this activity is 40 women-led businesses established and supported with financial and non-financial services distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.4. Green MSMEs: The project will also aim to support Green MSMEs and promote green economic recovery by supporting 30 Green MSMEs in Sabkha and Maadan, Raqqa which adopt green and sustainable practices such as sustainable use and consumption of raw materials, efficient use of energy waste, or water as well as circular economy … etc. Selected Green MSMEs shall receive a business grant with the average of 2,500 USD as well as business management, green skills, and related non-financial business development support. The target under this activity is 30 GREEN MSMEs established in Sabkha and Maadan, Raqqa and provided with financial and non-financial support.

          • Activity 1.5. Self-employment support targeted to energy sector: And finally, a set of beneficiaries to be support with a targeted vocational training on solar systems installation and maintenance and provided with toolkits with the average amount of 1,000 USD for each as in-kind or cash paid by the responsible party using cash-based modality. The solar vocational training is expected to last for at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training in relevant market skills such as costing, pricing, negotiation, and communication skills. The target under this activity is 20 men and women provided with solar vocational training, market skills, and productive toolkits distributed across targeted areas.

      • Output 2. Persons with disabilities' livelihoods enhanced through jobs creation and provision of essential enabling assistive products in Aleppo and Raqqa: 

        • This output aims to enhance the livelihoods of 30 persons with disabilities of different gender and age groups who are seeking to start their own micro and small businesses focusing particularly on those who face barriers to accessing essential assistive products, particularly 15 in Maskana, Aleppo and 15 in Sabkha and Maadan, Raqqa. Providing assistive products can increase productivity and employability. These assistive products, listed as essential by WHO, dramatically enhance individual autonomy and contribute to economic activities. Prioritized assistive products include those listed as essential by WHO, particularly those that significantly enhance individual autonomy and participation in socioeconomic activities, such as lower-limb prosthetics, durable wheelchairs, and hearing aids. The support package for assistive devices is estimated at the average of 2,200 USD through conditional cash transfer or in-kind contribution while the business start-up assistance package will encompass mainstreamed training in business management, accounting, and market analysis, along with micro-grant schemes estimated at 2,500 USD cash grants as an average using cash-based intervention modality to help launch their micro-businesses.

    • Lot 2: Sweida’a (Salkhad), QUNITERA (Khan Arnaba): 

      • Maximum budget allocated for LOT2: 302,000 USD 

      • Output 1: Economic opportunities for crisis-affected populations expanded through diverse income, employment, and business development support. 

        • This output aims to facilitate access to equal and decent economic opportunities in Khan-Arnaba, Quneitra and Salkhad, Swida. While a market assessment should be conducted to inform the project activities, this output should focus on supporting longer-term employment creation and local economic recovery by achieving the below targets through sustainable livelihoods support such as support for social enterprises, women-led businesses, youth entrepreneurship and start-up development, and supporting self/employment using market-based programming as per the following proposed activities and targets: 

          • Activity 1.1. Supporting Social Enterprises: The project should support the establishment of new or scaling of existing social enterprises. Each social enterprise should support/employ at least 3 beneficiaries. Targeted social enterprises under this project should address, through its input, and/or its process and/or its outputs, and outcomes, one or more of the challenges related to the following categories: women empowerment, environment, and green economic recovery, elderlies, youth, persons with disabilities, IDPs and other marginalized groups, or any other relevant social values. (cooperatives can be considered as social enterprises as they provide a social value to the targeted local communities). The expected service package should include financial and non-financial services specific to social enterprises. Financial including 6,000 USD as cash grant paid by the responsible party, and non-financial including training on social concepts and the management of social businesses. Follow-up, mentoring, and coaching services are also to be considered under this category as an essential part.

          • Activity 1.2. Supporting women-led businesses: Women-led businesses to be supported with the relevant technical skills, market skills, and business grants. Group businesses will be encouraged under this target. Nontraditional stereotypical activities for these women-led businesses are a priority. UNDP will be looking at innovative solutions that broaden women's opportunities to engage in non-traditional sectors, proposals expected to take this into consideration. The support package will include financial support through cash grants of 2,500 USD each paid by the responsible party and non-financial support through business development services including relevant business management and development subjects. The target under this activity is 30 women-led businesses established and supported with financial and non-financial services distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.3. Youth Entrepreneurship: The project will also consider the youth groups in the targeted location. Youth entrepreneurship and start-up development activities to be considered targeting young men and women entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurship support package aiming at establishing 10 start-ups, with each receiving an average seed funding of 6,000 USD to launch their youth-led start-up businesses. The support package will also include youth entrepreneurship skills and start-up management training, mentoring and coaching support, and when applicable incubation. Sector-based entrepreneurship support is recommended based on the insights resulted from relevant market analyses. The target under this activity is 10 youth-led startup businesses established and provided with financial and non-financial start-up development support distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.4. Self-employment support through Freelancing: Beyond entrepreneurship development, this project aims to extend its youth economic empowerment component with a freelancing career support targeting 20 young men and women to be assisted with freelancing opportunities, providing tailored skills development in relevant freelancing sectors, and offering a grant of 1,500 USD to procure the relevant productive kits and kick-start their income-generating activities. The expected support package should include a technical training to bolster the technical skills of the targeted young men and women in the selected freelancing sectors. This technical skills training expected to include at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training hours for freelancing, market, and employability skills. Target under this activity is 10 young men and women provided with freelancing career support along with grant for productive kits distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.5. Self-employment support targeted to energy sector: And finally, a set of beneficiaries to be support with a targeted vocational training on solar systems installation and maintenance and provided with toolkits with the average amount of 1,000 USD for each as in-kind or cash paid by the responsible party using cash-based modality. The solar vocational training is expected to last for at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training in relevant market skills such as costing, pricing, negotiation, and communication skills. The target under this activity is 10 men and women provided with solar vocational training, market skills, and productive toolkits distributed across the targeted areas.

      • Output 2. Persons with disabilities' livelihoods enhanced through jobs creation and provision of essential enabling assistive products: 

        • This output aims to enhance the livelihoods of five persons with disabilities of different gender and age groups who are seeking to start their own micro and small businesses focusing particularly on those who face barriers to accessing essential assistive products, particularly in Salkhad in Swaida. Providing assistive products can increase productivity and employability. These assistive products, listed as essential by WHO, dramatically enhance individual autonomy and contribute to economic activities. Prioritized assistive products include those listed as essential by WHO, particularly those that significantly enhance individual autonomy and participation in socio-economic activities, such as lower-limb prosthetics, durable wheelchairs, and hearing aids. The support package for assistive devices is estimated at the average of 2,200 USD through conditional cash transfer or in-kind contribution while the business start-up assistance package will encompass mainstreamed training in business management, accounting, and market analysis, along with microgrant schemes estimated at 2,500 USD cash grants as an average using conditional cash-transfer modality to help launch their micro-businesses. The training should be conducted in the targeted communities.

        • The target under this activity is 5 men and women with disability provided with business establishment support and assistive devices in targeted locations.

    • Lot 3: Hasaka (Hasaka City, Qamilshli, Qahtaniyyeh, Be’r Al-Hulo, Jawadiyah) 

      • Maximum budget allocated for LOT3: 405,000 USD 

      • Output 1: Vulnerable crisis-affected population have increased access to livelihoods and income opportunities. 

        • This output aims to facilitate access to equal and decent economic opportunities in Hasaka city, Qamishli, Qahtaniyyeh, and Be'r Al-Hulo in Hasaka governorate. While a market assessment should be conducted to inform the project activities, this output should focus on supporting longer-term employment creation and local economic recovery by achieving the below targets through sustainable livelihoods support such as support for social enterprises, women-led businesses, youth entrepreneurship and start-up development, and supporting self/employment using market-based programming to achieve these targets as per the following proposed activities: 

          • Activity 1.1. Supporting market revitalization and the revival of crisis-affected businesses and the establishment of new ones: Based on relevant market need assessment, The intervention should consider the overall market needs in a way that strategically and positively impact the targeted market. Accordingly, the support package expected to include targeted support to at least 25 MSMEs to be established or revived. The targeted support for MSMEs should include financial support with 2,500 USD as business cash grants, and non-financial support including business development services including access to market, technical support, mentoring, and enhancement of the competitiveness of the targeted MSMEs. The activity is expected to target a particular market, not mandatory, to maximize the impact. The target under this activity is at least 25 MSMEs established/revived and provided with financial and non-financial services. 

          • Activity 1.2. Supporting Social Enterprises: The project should support the establishment of new or scaling of existing social enterprises. Each social enterprise should support/employ at least 3 beneficiaries. Targeted social enterprises under this project should address, through its input, and/or its process and/or its outputs, and outcomes, one or more of the challenges related to the following categories: women empowerment, environment, and green economic recovery, elderlies, youth, persons with disabilities, IDPs and other marginalized groups, or any other relevant social values. (cooperatives can be considered as social enterprises as they provide a social value to the targeted local communities). The expected service package should include financial and non-financial services specific to social enterprises. Financial including 6,000 USD as cash grant paid by the responsible party, and non-financial including training on social concepts and the management of social businesses. Follow-up, mentoring, and coaching services are also to be considered under this category as an essential part. The target under this activity is 5 Social Enterprises established/scaled and provided with financial and non-financial services (at least 3 beneficiaries each– 5*3=15 beneficiaries). 

          • Activity 1.3. Youth Entrepreneurship: The project will also consider youth groups in the targeted location. Youth entrepreneurship and start-up development activities to be considered targeting young men and women entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurship support package aiming at establishing 10 start-ups, with each receiving an average seed funding of 6,000 USD to launch their youth-led start-up businesses. The support package will also include youth entrepreneurship skills and start-up management training, mentoring and coaching support, and when applicable incubation. Sector-based entrepreneurship support is recommended based on the insights resulted from relevant market analyses. The target under this activity is 10 youth-led startup businesses established and provided with financial and non-financial start-up development support.

          • Activity 1.4. Self-employment support through Freelancing: Beyond entrepreneurship development, this project aims to extend its youth economic empowerment component with a freelancing career support targeting 20 young men and women to be assisted with freelancing opportunities, providing tailored skills development in relevant freelancing sectors, and offering a grant of 1,500 USD to procure the relevant productive kits and kick-start their income-generating activities. The expected support package should include a technical training to bolster the technical skills of the targeted young men and women in the selected freelancing sectors. This technical skills training expected to include at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training hours for freelancing, market, and employability skills. Target under this activity is 20 young men and women provided with freelancing career support along with grant for productive kits. 

          • Activity 1.5. Skills development and employment support: Another proposed activity under this project is supporting job creation to 40 young individuals through provision of skills training in sectors identified by the market assessment as in-demand in the targeted area. This should be associated with employability skills and paired with matching and placement support. Training method whether regular or on-the-job training or other methods to be identified based on the need and the targeted sectors. Target under this activity is 40 young men and women provided with skills training and placement.

      • Output 2. Persons with disabilities' livelihoods enhanced through jobs creation and provision of essential enabling assistive products: 

        • This output aims to enhance the livelihoods of twenty persons with disabilities of different gender and age groups who are seeking to start their own micro and small businesses focusing particularly on those who face barriers to accessing essential assistive products, particularly in Qahtaniyyeh and Jawadiyah in Hasakah governorate. Providing assistive products can increase productivity and employability. These assistive products, listed as essential by WHO, dramatically enhance individual autonomy and contribute to economic activities. Prioritized assistive products include those listed as essential by WHO, particularly those that significantly enhance individual autonomy and participation in socioeconomic activities, such as lower-limb prosthetics, durable wheelchairs, and hearing aids. The support package for assistive devices is estimated at the average of 2,200 USD through conditional cash transfer or in-kind contribution while the business start-up assistance package will encompass mainstreamed training in business management, accounting, and market analysis, along with micro-grant schemes estimated at 2,500 USD cash grants as an average using conditional cash-transfer modality to help launch their micro-businesses.

        • The target under this activity is 20 men and women with disability provided with business establishment support and assistive devices in targeted locations.

    • Lot 4: Rural Damascus (Babella) and Daraa (Daraa and Busra Esh-sham) 

      • Maximum budget allocated for LOT4: 722,000 USD 

      • Output 1: Livelihoods of crisis-affected population enhanced through diversified business development and employment creation schemes. 

        • This output aims to facilitate access to equal and decent economic opportunities in Babella, rural Damascus and Daraa city and Busra Esh-sham in Daraa Governorate. While a market assessment should be conducted to inform the project activities, this output should focus on supporting longer-term employment creation and local economic recovery by achieving the below targets and through sustainable livelihoods support such as MSMEs support considering, where possible, market system and value chain approach, support for youth entrepreneurship and start-up development, and supporting self/employment using market-based programming as per the following proposed activities: 

          • Activity 1.1. Supporting market revitalization and the revival of crisis-affected businesses and the establishment of new ones: Based on relevant market need assessment, The intervention should consider the overall market needs in a way that strategically and positively impact the targeted market. Accordingly, the support package expected to include targeted support to at least 50 MSMEs to be established or revived. The targeted support for MSMEs should include financial support with 2,500 USD as business cash grants, and non-financial support including business development services including access to market, technical support, mentoring, and enhancement of the competitiveness of the targeted MSMEs. The activity is expected to target a particular market, but not mandatory, to maximize the impact. The target under this activity is at least 50 MSMEs established/revived and provided with financial and non-financial services distributed across the targeted areas. 

          • Activity 1.2. Supporting Social Enterprises: The project should support the establishment of new or scaling of existing social enterprises. Each social enterprise should have at least 3 beneficiaries. Targeted social enterprises under this project should address, through its input, and/or its process and/or its outputs, and outcomes, one or more of the challenges related to the following categories: women empowerment, environment, and green economic recovery, elderlies, youth, persons with disabilities, IDPs and other marginalized groups, or any other relevant social values. (cooperatives can be considered as social enterprises as they provide a social value to the targeted local communities). The expected service package should include financial and non-financial services specific to social enterprises. Financial including 6,000 USD as cash grant paid by the responsible party, and non-financial including training on social concepts and the management of social businesses. Follow-up, mentoring, and coaching services are also to be considered under this category as an essential part. The target under this activity is 5 Social Enterprises established/scaled and provided with financial and non-financial services (at least 3 beneficiaries each – 5*3=15 beneficiaries) distributed across the targeted areas. 

          • Activity 1.3. Supporting women-led businesses: Women-led businesses to be supported with the relevant technical skills, market skills, and business grants. Group businesses will be encouraged under this target. Nontraditional stereotypical sectors for these women-led businesses are a priority. UNDP will be looking at innovative solutions that broaden women's opportunities to engage in non-traditional sectors, proposals expected to take this into consideration. The support package will include financial support through cash grants of 2,500 USD each paid by the responsible party and non-financial support through business development services including relevant business management and development subjects. The target under this activity is 20 women-led businesses established and supported with financial and non-financial services distributed across the targeted areas.

          • Activity 1.4. Youth Entrepreneurship: The project will also consider the youth groups in the targeted location. Youth entrepreneurship and start-up development activities to be considered targeting young men and women entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurship support package aiming at establishing 10 start-ups, with each receiving an average seed funding of USD 6,000 to launch their youth-led start-up businesses. The support package will also include youth entrepreneurship skills and start-up management training, mentoring and coaching support, and when applicable incubation. Sector-based entrepreneurship support is recommended based on the insights resulted from relevant market analyses. The target under this activity is 10 youth-led startup businesses established and provided with financial and non-financial start-up development support distributed across the targeted areas. 

          • Activity 1.5. Self-employment support through Freelancing: Beyond entrepreneurship development, this project aims to extend its youth economic empowerment component with a freelancing career support targeting 15 young men and women to be assisted with freelancing opportunities, providing tailored skills development in relevant freelancing sectors, and offering a grant of 1,500 USD to procure the relevant productive kits and kick-start their income-generating activities. The expected support package should include a technical training to bolster the technical skills of the targeted young men and women in the selected freelancing sectors. This technical skills training expected to include at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training hours for freelancing, market, and employability skills. Target under this activity is 30 young men and women provided with freelancing career support along with grant for productive kits distributed across the targeted areas. 

          • Activity 1.6. Skills development and employment support: Another proposed activity under this project is supporting job creation to 60 young individuals through provision of skills training in sectors identified by the market assessment as in-demand in the targeted area. This should be associated with employability skills and paired with matching and placement support. Training method whether regular or on-the-job training or other methods to be identified based on the need and the targeted sectors. Target under this activity is 60 young men and women provided with skills training and placement. 

          • Activity 1.7. Self-employment support targeted to energy sector: And finally, a set of beneficiaries to be support with a targeted vocational training on solar systems installation and maintenance and provided with toolkits with the average amount of 1,000 USD for each as in-kind or cash paid by the responsible party using cash-based modality. The solar vocational training is expected to last for at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training in relevant market skills such as costing, pricing, negotiation, and communication skills. The target under this activity is 20 men and women provided with solar vocational training, market skills, and productive toolkits.

      • Output 2. Persons with disabilities' livelihoods enhanced through jobs creation and provision of essential enabling assistive products: 

        • This output aims to enhance the livelihoods of 30 persons with disabilities of different gender and age groups who are seeking to start their own micro and small businesses focusing particularly on those who face barriers to accessing essential assistive products, particularly 15 in Babella, Rural Damascus and 15 in Daraa and Busra Esh-sham, Daraa governorate. Providing assistive products can increase productivity and employability. These assistive products, listed as essential by WHO, dramatically enhance individual autonomy and contribute to economic activities. Prioritized assistive products include those listed as essential by WHO, particularly those that significantly enhance individual autonomy and participation in socio-economic activities, such as lower-limb prosthetics, durable wheelchairs, and hearing aids. The support package for assistive devices is estimated at the average of 2,200 USD through conditional cash transfer or in-kind contribution while the business start-up assistance package will encompass mainstreamed training in business management, accounting, and market analysis, along with micro-grant schemes estimated at 2,500 USD cash grants as an average using cash-based intervention modality to help launch their micro-businesses. The training should be conducted in the targeted communities.

        • The target under this activity is 30 men and women with disability provided with business establishment support and assistive devices distributed across the targeted areas.

    • Lot 5: Lattakia (Jableh) 

      • Maximum budget allocated for LOT5: 220,000 USD 

      • Output 1: Vulnerable crisis-affected population have increased access to livelihoods and income opportunities. 

        • This output aims to facilitate access to equal and decent economic opportunities in Jableh area, Lattakia governorate. While a market assessment have been conducted to inform the project activities, this output should focus on supporting longer-term employment creation and local economic recovery by achieving the below targets through sustainable livelihoods support such as support for MSMEs, youth entrepreneurship and start-up development, and supporting self/employment using market-based programming to achieve these targets as per the following proposed activities: 

          • Activity 1.1. Supporting market revitalization and the revival of crisis-affected businesses and the establishment of new ones: Based on relevant market need assessment, The intervention should consider the overall market needs in a way that strategically and positively impact the targeted market. Accordingly, the support package expected to include targeted support to at least 25 MSMEs to be established or revived. The targeted support for MSMEs should include financial support with 2,500 USD as business cash grants, and non-financial support including business development services including access to market, technical support, mentoring, and enhancement of the competitiveness of the targeted MSMEs. The activity is expected to target a particular market, not mandatory, to maximize the impact. The target under this activity is at least 25 MSMEs established/revived and provided with financial and non-financial services. 

          • Activity 1.2. Youth Entrepreneurship: The project will consider youth groups in the targeted location. Youth entrepreneurship and start-up development activities to be considered targeting young men and women entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurship support package aiming at establishing 10 start-ups, with each receiving an average seed funding of 6,000 USD to launch their youth-led start-up businesses. The support package will also include youth entrepreneurship skills and start-up management training, mentoring and coaching support, and when applicable incubation. Sector-based entrepreneurship support is recommended based on the insights resulted from relevant market analyses. The target under this activity is 10 youth-led startup businesses established and provided with financial and non-financial start-up development support.

          • Activity 1.3. Self-employment support through Freelancing: Beyond entrepreneurship development, this project aims to extend its youth economic empowerment component with a freelancing career support targeting 25 young men and women to be assisted with freelancing opportunities, providing tailored skills development in relevant freelancing sectors, and offering a grant of 1,500 USD to procure the relevant productive kits and kick-start their income-generating activities. The expected support package should include a technical training to bolster the technical skills of the targeted young men and women in the selected freelancing sectors. This technical skills training expected to include at least 150 training hours. Beneficiaries are expected to receive additional training hours for freelancing, market, and employability skills. Target under this activity is 25 young men and women provided with freelancing career support along with grant for productive kits.

Targeted Beneficiaries
  • Crisis-affected population who lost their income and means of livelihoods in the targeted communities, including Internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host community members with a special focus on women, youth (18- 35 years old) and persons with disability.

  • All beneficiaries’ applications to be submitted should be reviewed and selected fairly according to pre-set criteria approved by UNDP. Three sets of selection criteria shall be considered including eligibility such as employment or business status, age group, and residency of the beneficiaries; technical or specific criteria to be identified for each service, such as the minimum educational level; while vulnerability criteria to be applied to prioritize the most in need beneficiaries. Gender sensitivity is to be integrated into the selection criteria to foster an inclusive environment.

  • For Output 2 in each lot, the main targeted beneficiaries are persons with disability, the selection criteria should encompass a range of social, economic, and disability-related factors, the criteria shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not treated as a homogeneous group.


  • This call is open to International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), Operating in Syria, the eligible INGOs submitting applications are the ones meeting all the following criteria: 

    • Legally Registered in the country of origin (Copy of the registration document is required) 

    • Licenced to operate in Syrian Arab Republic (copy of the license by MOFA is required) 

    • Valid Micro Assessment in accordance with HACT requirements, that is valid for 2024-2025; the micro assessment can be convened on behalf of UNDP or any operating UN agency in Syria. (copy of the Micro Assessment Report is required).

Post Date: July 16, 2024

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